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The pioneers of videomapping in the Czech Republic

Our extensive experience with videomapping goes back to the year 2009. Videomapping is a projection technology combined with animation and sounds that creates the illusion of a 3D image moving on an architectural structure or other large surface. It is a powerful tool for attracting media or public attention, as well as creating visual effects at various events and concerts. An experienced team of our graphic designers and VJs will make the event an exceptional experience long remembered by the audience.

The most prominent show

A popular and frequently used format is projection onto the building. We offer also other ways of visual presentation through video mapping. Together we will identify those that will most accurately fit the concept of client´s plan: 3D mapping, object mapping, table mapping, 360° mapping, interior mapping, mapping on the water and ice surfaces, and showreel videomapping.

The best videomapping projects by XLAB

2018: Videomapping of Century , Celebration of the 100 years of Czechoslovakia and the 200 years of the National Museum in Prague.

2019: Videomapping Road to Freedom , Velvet Revolution Anniversary

2019: Videomapping to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising

Contact us for a tailormade solution to your needs. Please visit the Work section for the great examples of our past projects.